Monday, February 27, 2006

A corner of Canh Nang town

The photos below show you a corner of Canh Nang town from my room window in Mrs Dinh's house (where I stayed when I worked in Canh Nang. I paid her 300,000 VND per month). This is the main road in Canh Nang and Canh Nang is where all importants governmental agencies of Ba Thuoc are located, such as Ba Thuoc People's Council, Ba Thuoc People's Committee...).

Canh Nang is surrounded by mountainns and Canh Nang road is in parallel with Ma river. The street is large and quiet. It is very relaxing when you get our of your house and go for a walk on Canh Nang road.

I often walk from my place to Canh Nang market and vice-versa to practise my legs. From my room window I can see the Politics Training Center of Ba Thuoc district, where there is a loud speaker often irritating me in early morning.

Monday, February 13, 2006

My friend Benoit had adopted a son

This is a very good news for my friend Benoit. We had share with his happiness when he became a father from that day! Myriam, Duong and I tried to drop by his place to play with the little boy, who his God father named him Remi.