Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Di choi in Tan Lap

Hi, do you remember Tan Lap commune in Ba Thuoc district? It's so beautiful with large green grass areas where big buffaloes are grazing and country children are playing with eacher? The commune was very peacefully beautiful when I worked there.

I still remember whenever we wanted to go to

Tan Lap from Canh Nang, we had to pass a floating bamboo bridge over Ma river because the two locations is separated by that river. Do you know Ma river, which is very famous? Ma river in the poem "Tay Tien". You know it?

Now there is already a concrete and cement bridge named La Han over the river, so people there do not need a floating bamboo bridge. However, that kind of bridge does not remain in my mind but also in many people who used to live and work there.